City Park
Great views of downtown with the mountains in the background. Zoo. Museum of Nature and Science and its IMAX theater. A large beautiful lake. MLK Monument. Other monuments. Three mile trip from downtown. Follow 17th Street southeast to veer left onto 17th Avenue east. Cross Josephine Street and take your next left on Esplanade into the park. City Park begins at Josephine Street and continues to Colorado Boulevard. It is bounded by 23rd Avenue on the north.
Cheesman Park
More great views of downtown with the mountains in the background. Rolling grassy areas. Gay friendly. Former cemetery. Cheesman Pavilion made from Colorado Yule Marble (like the Lincoln Memorial in Washington) from Marble, Colorado. Great people watching. Nice loop to scooter around. Two mile trip from downtown. Follow 14th Street southeast and turn left onto Colfax east. Colfax passes Civic Center Park (you’ll likely smell the recently-legalized smoke but please don’t toke and scoot) and the Colorado Capitol (optional side stop to take a photo on the step that says ONE MILE ABOVE SEA LEVEL by riding past the barricade on Sherman). Continue east on Colfax and notice the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception where Pope John Paul II said mass during World Youth Day in 1993. Two blocks past the Ramada, turn right on Humboldt where many beautiful mansions still stand. Turn left on 9th to enter Cheesman Park.
Red Rocks Amphitheater, Morrison, CO
About 36 miles round trip but worth it. Take the public tour at 10am every day, or explore any time. This would be a world-class mountain park even without the world-renowned performance venue and the museum. This natural sandstone amphitheater was purchased by the city of Denver in 1927 (thank you, George Cranmer) and improved by the Civilian Conservation Corps and dedicated in 1941. Deer roaming. Hiking. Museum commemorating the acts who have performed there. It is every performer’s tour highlight. Forty miles round trip. From downtown, Champa turns into Kalamath which travels south. After 18 blocks, turn right on Alameda to cross Interstate 25. Continue on Alameda about 12 miles. You will climb a steep hill so stay in the right lane because your scooter will slow down. The views get nicer and nicer. Continue on Alameda until you see a giant highway C-470. Before crossing C-470, take the last left turn onto S. Rooney Rd. This will pass under C-470 and take you into the town of Morrison. Enjoy some Mexican food at the Morrison Inn or proceed into Red Rocks Park. Consider taking colorful Colfax Avenue on your way back.
Through the Highlands to Golden, Colorado
Some people just want to ride ride ride. If you want the breeze blowing through your hair, this might be for you. Take 15th St. until it ends at a five-way intersection and veer left onto 29th Avenue heading west*. Continue to Speer and turn right (northwest) and notice Denver North High School as you pass. Cross Federal Blvd. and then turn left on 32nd Avenue. The shop on that corner is called The Corner. Consider stopping at Sweet Cow Ice Cream at 32nd and Lowell in the heart of the Highlands business area. Continue west on 32nd** for about 10 more miles until you find yourself coming into Golden, Colorado under its most famous, and ugliest, building – the Coors Brewery. Don’t go in. No alcohol please. Instead, find Washington Street and consider the little papusas place for Salvadoran food or try some other spot in Golden. Bob's Atomic Burgers is delicious and unhealthy.
*Optional stop: Instead, perhaps veer right onto Umatilla and take two right turns to visit iconic Little Man Ice Cream in the giant milk jug.
**Notice the alphabetical streets. When you get to Yates, consider turning left to head south to Sloan’s Lake Park. Ride clockwise around the park and consider an additional side trip to the 1400 block of Stuart where some historic mansions still stand.
Cherry Creek Shopping Area
Cherry Creek North shopping district includes many small upscale boutiques. Since you can park your scooter on the sidewalk, you are at a huge advantage in this hard-to-park area. You may also choose to also visit the very nice, large indoor mall, Cherry Creek Mall that adjoins Cherry Creek North. From downtown, take Champa to Speer (left, southeast). Speer takes you three miles until it crosses University. Your next few left turns (Fillmore, Milwaukee, St. Paul) will take you into Cherry Creek North while a right turn would have put you in the Cherry Creek Mall.
Map of route through Southeast Close-In Denver
Carefully type into your browser the following url (case matters): It begins at the Convention Center and takes you to: Colorado Capitol, Capitol Hill mansions, Governor's Mansion, Cheesman Park neighborhood, Cheesman Park, Botanic Gardens, Country Club neighborhood, Cherry Creek North, Cherry Creek Mall, Washington Park neighborhood, Bonnie Brae, Old South Gaylord, Washington Park. It is nearly all slow, low-traffic roads throughout the trip and then at the end you can zip back toward downtown on Speer Blvd. to get some wind blowing over you.
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Confident and competent riders can ride to Red Rocks Amphitheatre.